Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Heres Another Cake I did this laST weekeNd for a BEAUTIFUL BriDE !!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Art ClaSS anyone ???

Ashlynn Is Doing Another Art ClaSS MondaY Oct 11th ... AT Our HomE ... Ages 10-14 ... IncludES a GREAT Lunch ... $16.00.... Super FuN !! the kids ALwaYs EnjoY it :)
MsG me - CALL me - TeXT me if YOu want more inFO

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

geTTin ReaDY

here aRe a Few picturEs of ashlEY getting REady FOr her Big Day ... More piCS to Come of the wedding and LuncheOn

Sunday, July 4, 2010

haPPY 4th

the 4th of JulY for the PetERSenS is a CeleBratioN !! EvERy yeaR sincE ive been maRRied to Jay we have gone UP to HeBER , where HiS parenTS liVE . They have the BEST fireworKS around !! AnyWho - Jay haS aCtuaLLY HelpED a Few YearS letting off the fireworkS .
WeLL - this LasT March - JayS father paSSEd AwaY . The PeopLe Who DO the FireworKS , camE down and AskED us If we WouLd Like to Sign somE of them TO Send To GrandpA Kay . Not aLL of the GrandkiDS were there , but the ones thaT were aLL SigneD them . AdulTS and aLL . A Few TeaRS were Shed . Im SuRE Beyond a ShaDOw of a Doubt --- tHOSE WERE the BEST FirewoRKS of the NIGHT !!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

oUR oldEST

AshleY Is gettIn HitcheD !! This July she is Getting marriED ... So CauSE im CraZY ... and Cause I LOvE to . I MadE her little Sign IN bOOk . hereS just a Few picS . Then the peopLE can Sign their namES OR WRiTE a NoVEL . Kinda CraZY Fun PlanniNG or SorTA PlanniNG a Wedding ...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

my artiST

Align Center
thiS is Just onE of The MANY thiNGs this chiLd workS on ... aNd i might ADD - pusheS herself to finish . The DriVE and giFt in her IS AMAZInG to Watch !!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

memoRiaL DaY

We WenT up To hEbER and WorkeD on GrandPa Marvins GraVe . he ServEd our CountrY
when he was a laD .

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

o BOy ... iN LOVE !

thiS is My FAvorITE littLE nePhEW namED EaSTon thaT i HAVe EvER hAD !! CouLD you just eAT him UP ?!? LittLE reD HeaD feLLO ! He is JuST such a HAM . it Is a CracK-UP ! lovED to hang with hiM . He is such a gOOd bOY tOO !!

Monday, May 17, 2010

i Was a WinnER

this LaSt weekEnD i Was At CreaTiVE EscAPe TrainiNG ( itS the HugEST BesTEsT ScrapbooK FesT in the LanD --- itS HEAVEN )
AnywhO - Im a Volunteer this YeAR ...
Welp , theY had 2 RaffLE tickEts for giRLS to Win thesE BoXeS . And BAM !! onE wAs mE . ThiS boX was FuLL oF trEaSuRES !! AlmoST brought a TeAR to my eYE With aLL the BLiNG !! FeLT and sTILL feeL so LUCKY !!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

wonDErfUL womENS conFeRENCE

i Was LuckY enouGH this YeAR to Go to WomenS conFerencE in UtaH . I have nEvER bEEn bEfoRE - BUt leT me teLL YA --- I wiLL nEVER miSS anotheR onE ! Worth EVERy LiTTLe Bit oF enERgY i Didn'T have to WAlk 300 miLEs . Worth EvERy liTTle peNNy . Worth TRying to OrganiZe lifE whiLe i WouLD be GonE . WOrth miSSing my hoTTie and ChiLd . Worth iT aLL ArouND !! HerE are Some PiCS - We HaD a BLAST !!!

BeauTIfUL Salt LAkE tempLE

DinnER at a GREAT PlaCE !
it snoWEd whiLe we Were theRE . I reaLLY Did WAlk UPHILL in the snoW to onE of my claSSES
SupER Fun dinnER . This pOOr Guy haD to DeaL with us the whoLe NighT . But im preTTY suRE he liKED it - Being thaT we haD a SinglE gaL in ouR group . he Was workiN his skiLLS -- hehe
Got luCKY Enough to Be on the FlooR for the ConcERT ! SupA COOL !!!

fElt totaLLY fiLLEd and ReaDY to TacklE liFE :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

i wondER ...

i AlwaYs DriVe by buiLdingS like theSE and WondER ... who Was thERE ? Who LivEd therE ? What memorIEs were MadE ? Did a FamilY work theRE / livE theRe ? Did children Run aRound and PlaY gamES ?
Anywho - you Can teLL i JuST LOVE OLD buildiNGS !! ( i don't like the DirTY parT - AT ALL !! ) But I alWAYS loVe to seE the PeopLE who touCheD this PAlcE and maDe it What is Was . WeLL ashlyNN and I BOTH feLL in LOVE with thiS GuY and StoppEd to TAkE some PicS . EnJOY
itS UnBEliEVablE !!

it EvEn haS a Pan stiLL hanging on the WaLL ! sO cOOOOOL

i think TheSE aRE the BathrOOM