the 4th of JulY for the PetERSenS is a CeleBratioN !! EvERy yeaR sincE ive been maRRied to Jay we have gone UP to HeBER , where HiS parenTS liVE . They have the BEST fireworKS around !! AnyWho - Jay haS aCtuaLLY HelpED a Few YearS letting off the fireworkS .
WeLL - this LasT March - JayS father paSSEd AwaY . The PeopLe Who DO the FireworKS , camE down and AskED us If we WouLd Like to Sign somE of them TO Send To GrandpA Kay . Not aLL of the GrandkiDS were there , but the ones thaT were aLL SigneD them . AdulTS and aLL . A Few TeaRS were Shed . Im SuRE Beyond a ShaDOw of a Doubt --- tHOSE WERE the BEST FirewoRKS of the NIGHT !!!
1 comment:
What a neat memory. That is a great idea. I remember at Kami's baby's funeral they wrote notes on balloons and let them fly up. Kind of similar. That is so speacial. Heber's fireworks are basically bomb.
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