Wednesday, May 12, 2010

wonDErfUL womENS conFeRENCE

i Was LuckY enouGH this YeAR to Go to WomenS conFerencE in UtaH . I have nEvER bEEn bEfoRE - BUt leT me teLL YA --- I wiLL nEVER miSS anotheR onE ! Worth EVERy LiTTLe Bit oF enERgY i Didn'T have to WAlk 300 miLEs . Worth EvERy liTTle peNNy . Worth TRying to OrganiZe lifE whiLe i WouLD be GonE . WOrth miSSing my hoTTie and ChiLd . Worth iT aLL ArouND !! HerE are Some PiCS - We HaD a BLAST !!!

BeauTIfUL Salt LAkE tempLE

DinnER at a GREAT PlaCE !
it snoWEd whiLe we Were theRE . I reaLLY Did WAlk UPHILL in the snoW to onE of my claSSES
SupER Fun dinnER . This pOOr Guy haD to DeaL with us the whoLe NighT . But im preTTY suRE he liKED it - Being thaT we haD a SinglE gaL in ouR group . he Was workiN his skiLLS -- hehe
Got luCKY Enough to Be on the FlooR for the ConcERT ! SupA COOL !!!

fElt totaLLY fiLLEd and ReaDY to TacklE liFE :)

1 comment:

Noelle @ Mesa AZ Photography said...

I've heard women's conference is awesome. I'm glad you got to go.

Is that Tiffany Moore in the photo at the concert? It looks like her. She is my cousin, and I'm pretty sure you told me you went to high school with her.