Monday, January 30, 2012

TiME FLiES ...

CRaZY HoW i WalkED Down the HALL To This TeeNAGE GiRL ,,, Who WE LOVe That Is GRowIng UP To Be So LOvIng And GIvinG and TalenTEd and MakinG Such GREaT DeCiSionS and Loving uS ALong the WAY ...

When whaT seemED was 2 minuTES Ago I WaS Rock-A-BYinG ThiS SwEET LiTTLe ThinG ! YES - she STiLL TRiES To SiT in My LAP - and i ProBabLY WiLL ALWAYS LeT HER --- BuT ThiS i GuaranTEEEEee - I WILL ALWAYS LOVE THIS BABY GirL - FOR THIS SHE wiLL ALWAYS BE !!

ShE juST TurnED 15 !!


Sarah S. Foote said...
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Sarah S. Foote said...

(had to edit this too many typos)

Wow, she is making me feel old too. Seems like a couple years ago she was in Matthew's primary class and now it's already been 7 years. CRAZY!!! Love you & miss you. We are moving back to the Seattle area in less then six weeks. If you can squeeze it in, I'd love to see you,perhaps do lunch or whatever works. I'm glad to know your beautiful daughter. And to be able to call you my friend. Love you!