Sunday, April 25, 2010

i wondER ...

i AlwaYs DriVe by buiLdingS like theSE and WondER ... who Was thERE ? Who LivEd therE ? What memorIEs were MadE ? Did a FamilY work theRE / livE theRe ? Did children Run aRound and PlaY gamES ?
Anywho - you Can teLL i JuST LOVE OLD buildiNGS !! ( i don't like the DirTY parT - AT ALL !! ) But I alWAYS loVe to seE the PeopLE who touCheD this PAlcE and maDe it What is Was . WeLL ashlyNN and I BOTH feLL in LOVE with thiS GuY and StoppEd to TAkE some PicS . EnJOY
itS UnBEliEVablE !!

it EvEn haS a Pan stiLL hanging on the WaLL ! sO cOOOOOL

i think TheSE aRE the BathrOOM

Sunday, April 18, 2010

lucKY enouGH

i was SupER lucky a FEw weekS Ago tO help with the MiSS roDEo AZ paGEanT . Now - lET me TELL you Im ALLLLL about the PAgeant thinGS -- right up My aLLEy . BUT this is A whoLE nEW worLD to me . TheY RodE horsES and Were JudGED on it tOO ! then They haD to knoW aLL about horsES and rodEO stuFFS . WOW ! theSE girLS are NO siSSYS !!!!
I waS luckY enough TO ChaperonE the GirLS to And From EvenTS . And Of CourSE , I lovED them ! they were aLL daLRing to Me . it Was a GREAT FUN ( tirIng) timE !

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

deniAL ...

Even As i LOOk aT theSE pictuRes -- i stILL chooSE to Be in DenaiL About JAyS dads PassiNG ...But stiLL wanteD to posT some Family pictuRES . LOOk At theSE handsome bOys BeloW - Marvin Raised good sonS !!