i AlwaYs DriVe by buiLdingS like theSE and WondER ... who Was thERE ? Who LivEd therE ? What memorIEs were MadE ? Did a FamilY work theRE / livE theRe ? Did children Run aRound and PlaY gamES ?
Anywho - you Can teLL i JuST LOVE OLD buildiNGS !! ( i don't like the DirTY parT - AT ALL !! ) But I alWAYS loVe to seE the PeopLE who touCheD this PAlcE and maDe it What is Was . WeLL ashlyNN and I BOTH feLL in LOVE with thiS GuY and StoppEd to TAkE some PicS . EnJOY
itS UnBEliEVablE !!