Thursday, September 17, 2009

insPiREd bY caKE ...

WeLL - juST caUSe we ThouGHT it miGHt be FUN and CauSE i'M old Enough To DeCide . I ActuALLy haD picTuRES of ME - yep JusT mE - Not ThE WholE Fam - No SpeCiAL oCCasioN - Not A WEdding .... Just CauSE ;-)
I HaD this CAke aND MajoRED it Out anD caLLeD ZanE ! Of courSE ;-)
Anywho - We FouND a PeRFeCT loCAtion AND stArTEd ShOOTing AwaY . It Was FUN !! ZaNE Can MAke ANYthinG or ANyone LooK MarvELouS !!!
So HERE aRe a FEW of Them - kiNDa CraZY .


Trina said...

these are so awesome! he's does such a good job. you look so hot, hot, hot!!!

Busy Bee Lauren said...

I am STILL in love with these!

Anonymous said...

Shye! You look adorable! I want that cake and the whole location with you and cake are just darling!

The Burnhams said...

Hi Shye!
Beautiful and creative picts...I love the shoes! Is that cake covered in fondant? Did you give it a go? If so, it looks awesome!

mishalee said...

You are a babe!

The Clarks said...

SHYE! This are STUNNING...YOU are STUNNING! These must be the adorable jeans you were telling me about! I must get me some! It was so fun seeing you last night! Glad we got to sit by you!

Bowman Family said...

Wow! I LOVE them! You look gorgeous. Amazing cake!

I also LOVE the girls camp pics. YOu are so cute! I miss you Shye!!!