Saturday, September 5, 2009

CreaTiVE EsCape 2009

IHaVe aLWAYS WANTed to Go To CE ... It'S a LoNg WEEKenD ThaT laDies from aLL oVEr EverYwhERE Get TogEThER and TakE ClaSSEs and Scrap . WeLL - It'S alWAys BeeN hERE in Az . ThiS YeaR it WaS aT wilDHorSE PASS ....
I WaS asKED to Help By GlitZ dEsigN with a MAke-and-Take . DREAMS DO come TruE !!!
Anywho - I EndED up goiNG on THurS and WaS thERE For Bout 10 Hrs . Down Below Is the pAge I HELpED GaLS to Make . ( it's The PurplE one ) I MEET so MAnY NiCE wonDERfUL nEW lADIES . I TeLL yA whaT - it WaS a AMAZing - I LOVED eVERY sinGLE Second of it !
TheN on Sat We WEnt back and Did AnotheR While LadIES WERE in the Shop too .

iS this Not The CutEST paGE ?? GinGER from GLiTZ deSign did it . TheY aRE on My siDE baR to SeE how MANy othER AMAZiNG nEW thinGS theY haVE . ThEY have liKE 5 nEW lines out RIght now anD I am SOoOo LOVIn them :-)

A SupER SwEET laDY GavE me an ExtrA chaRM she Had Made . I ALmosT sTarTing BAWLING !! CauSE it WaS So DarliNG and WaYY to Kind - I WILL havE it ForEVER .

ThEN ... Of COurSE i HAD To GET me some LOOT . StuFF you CAn ONLY get aT CE -- ThoSE ZebRA thinGS are JAMMIE panTS -- ohHHh - AnyothER BetTER DesiNG ? NopE - noT in MY worLD ! AnD thiS is An Apron - So CuTE ! ThEN the BaG belOW has ButtonS on it . EvERY yEaR the TeaChERS ( HeidI SwaPP - TiM HolTZ and The ReST of the AMAMZing TEachERS ) CreATE thiER own BuTTOns anD i HAve EyED thESE for YeARS . So I GoT juST a Few .... OnlY likE 25 !! heHE

HopeFULLy If i MinD my P'S anD Q'S I MighT Get to gO nExT yeaR ;-)
AhHHhhhh .... DreaM


Kasha said...

Shye, I am so glad you got to go! Such an event was made just for you! I love the purple page. That is awesome. I also love the charm. So you!

Marily said...

That looks like so much fun.

mishalee said...

Shye, that is so cool! I'm so happy for you. Someday maybe I'll get to sneak over there with ya!