Friday, July 16, 2010

geTTin ReaDY

here aRe a Few picturEs of ashlEY getting REady FOr her Big Day ... More piCS to Come of the wedding and LuncheOn

Sunday, July 4, 2010

haPPY 4th

the 4th of JulY for the PetERSenS is a CeleBratioN !! EvERy yeaR sincE ive been maRRied to Jay we have gone UP to HeBER , where HiS parenTS liVE . They have the BEST fireworKS around !! AnyWho - Jay haS aCtuaLLY HelpED a Few YearS letting off the fireworkS .
WeLL - this LasT March - JayS father paSSEd AwaY . The PeopLe Who DO the FireworKS , camE down and AskED us If we WouLd Like to Sign somE of them TO Send To GrandpA Kay . Not aLL of the GrandkiDS were there , but the ones thaT were aLL SigneD them . AdulTS and aLL . A Few TeaRS were Shed . Im SuRE Beyond a ShaDOw of a Doubt --- tHOSE WERE the BEST FirewoRKS of the NIGHT !!!