Monday, December 28, 2009


CupCakES in a Jar
... by shye
TheSe aRE one oF the nEW thiNGs i have maDe up To seLL and it's bEEn going GREAT ! i Sell them at boutiquES and dO ordERs for them - during the holidAY Week i HaD ordERs Of up arouNd 100 ... Which Was SUCH A blessiNG and So VerY wonderFUL !
ThankS to my WonderFUL BECki FOr her heLP in this CreaTion --- loVE YOU !
TheSE aRE fiLLED with loTS of yummy-neSS and YOu JUST OPEN anD eAT Right ouT of the JAr . VErY eaSY and No Baking for you :-)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

mY BirThDAy ...

HeRE is the CutE liTTLe Cake / BreaKfaST That I had When i camE Down the haLL the morning of my Day . My SwEET DAughtER got up And Got it ReaDY for me .

Then Here is the AMAZING BirthDAy cakE my DeaR friEND WendY maDe for me ... DiD i menTion AMAZING !!!!

Then That niGHT We Went to CheeSecakE FactoRY for DinnERS WiTh CaroLyn and AlySSa . Fun Night ! So BasicaLLY i Had 3 diFFerenT Cake / DeSSertS that Day ... WhoOHooo ... liKe i Even neeDEd them ? hmmmmm