Thursday, September 17, 2009

insPiREd bY caKE ...

WeLL - juST caUSe we ThouGHT it miGHt be FUN and CauSE i'M old Enough To DeCide . I ActuALLy haD picTuRES of ME - yep JusT mE - Not ThE WholE Fam - No SpeCiAL oCCasioN - Not A WEdding .... Just CauSE ;-)
I HaD this CAke aND MajoRED it Out anD caLLeD ZanE ! Of courSE ;-)
Anywho - We FouND a PeRFeCT loCAtion AND stArTEd ShOOTing AwaY . It Was FUN !! ZaNE Can MAke ANYthinG or ANyone LooK MarvELouS !!!
So HERE aRe a FEW of Them - kiNDa CraZY .

Monday, September 14, 2009

BeautiFUL proJecT

Fun CuTe BOX MaDe from CreaTiVE EscAPE ... I Am finaLLY sTARting to Get theSE thinGS done ;-)

InSiDE this Box Are all oF thESE cuTE liTTle BOOks - Not Sure WhaT I'm goiNG to Put it in Them - BUt pRETTY much LOVE the PaPeR --- i BeT you'LL neVER guESS whY !!!

The Front of The Box - So PreTTY ;-0

Saturday, September 5, 2009

CreaTiVE EsCape 2009

IHaVe aLWAYS WANTed to Go To CE ... It'S a LoNg WEEKenD ThaT laDies from aLL oVEr EverYwhERE Get TogEThER and TakE ClaSSEs and Scrap . WeLL - It'S alWAys BeeN hERE in Az . ThiS YeaR it WaS aT wilDHorSE PASS ....
I WaS asKED to Help By GlitZ dEsigN with a MAke-and-Take . DREAMS DO come TruE !!!
Anywho - I EndED up goiNG on THurS and WaS thERE For Bout 10 Hrs . Down Below Is the pAge I HELpED GaLS to Make . ( it's The PurplE one ) I MEET so MAnY NiCE wonDERfUL nEW lADIES . I TeLL yA whaT - it WaS a AMAZing - I LOVED eVERY sinGLE Second of it !
TheN on Sat We WEnt back and Did AnotheR While LadIES WERE in the Shop too .

iS this Not The CutEST paGE ?? GinGER from GLiTZ deSign did it . TheY aRE on My siDE baR to SeE how MANy othER AMAZiNG nEW thinGS theY haVE . ThEY have liKE 5 nEW lines out RIght now anD I am SOoOo LOVIn them :-)

A SupER SwEET laDY GavE me an ExtrA chaRM she Had Made . I ALmosT sTarTing BAWLING !! CauSE it WaS So DarliNG and WaYY to Kind - I WILL havE it ForEVER .

ThEN ... Of COurSE i HAD To GET me some LOOT . StuFF you CAn ONLY get aT CE -- ThoSE ZebRA thinGS are JAMMIE panTS -- ohHHh - AnyothER BetTER DesiNG ? NopE - noT in MY worLD ! AnD thiS is An Apron - So CuTE ! ThEN the BaG belOW has ButtonS on it . EvERY yEaR the TeaChERS ( HeidI SwaPP - TiM HolTZ and The ReST of the AMAMZing TEachERS ) CreATE thiER own BuTTOns anD i HAve EyED thESE for YeARS . So I GoT juST a Few .... OnlY likE 25 !! heHE

HopeFULLy If i MinD my P'S anD Q'S I MighT Get to gO nExT yeaR ;-)
AhHHhhhh .... DreaM

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I WaS RuSHED on MY WAy Out the DoOR to WOrk and DidN't have time to COmpleTELy ChaNge my shEETs and MAke my Bed ... WeLL i Walked into my Room and it WaS aLmost likE theRE wAs a LaDy in the ChaIr on the OtheR side of the rOOM .
GuESS You CouLD Say I Have a FeTTTTish With MY piLLOWs
( The PLace I Lay mY HEAD ) oN the FLOOR !! YucKY - ThEY Get GermS on 'Em ;-)
Oh- WeLL - just A FuNY Sight TO See .