Saturday, July 11, 2009

Saving a Life ... or at LEaST trying .

For Some ReaSON BirDS like to makE their nESTS in Weird palces around our HoME . Well - this MAMA thougHT of a GreAT place and put her NeST in the LightS neXt to Our Garage . We NotiCED her fOr a Few Nights There in the Light ... Then notiCED a Nest ... Then HeaRD the CutEST liTTle Chirps

ThERE ARe 3 ALL TogETher ... LooK at HOw CuTE the LittLE mouths are .
AnyWAY aFtER a FEw DayS AshlYNN NotiCED that onLY 1 liTTle BirDIE wAS aLive . So ........ BeinG the AniMAL LOVER that She is WANTED / NEEDED to SaVE the BirD that Was STill ALive . WE wAtched CloSLEY to See if MAMA Ever Came Back ...
So - WE Got the LitTLE Stink out of the Light ( WITHouT TouchinG it I mighT ADD - As i FreaK aBouT GerMS And BuGS and TerminAL DiSEASES ... AHHHH - it Was ROguh on ME )
AnyWHO - He Hung Out with US for A FEW daYS - thEN He WEnt to Be with HIM's or Her's Siblings .
ActuALLY THe LittlE Guy / or Girl WaS VerY vERY cuTE !!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


GoTTA poST SOmeTHING -- hmmm ...
WhaT to Post ? Don'T know - guESS i will have to Get back WIth tHAt