Tuesday, August 25, 2009


"Don't worry about what others think of you.
Worry about what others think about themselves when they are with you."
Love this QuoTE -- ShaRED it With A FrieND ;-)
ThanKS KiM !

Sunday, August 16, 2009

girlS Camp 2009

As AlWAYs Camp Was WonderFUL this YEAR AGAin ! I feeL so LUCKy to get an inviTatION each yeAR .
The Theme wAS SparKLE GLiTTEr Shine .

thE CutEST Young Women !! 5th WarD

EveN edWaRD MAde A showing AnD wanteD piCS with LotS of GirlS ...

The PrIEsthOOD reaLLY makEs a HUGe EffoRT to Try -- theY are SUCH gOOD SpoRTS !

KitCHen CreW harDLY eVER sAT Down - so ThiS is A SighT . ThEY WorkED thiER BuMMS oFF . Check out OuR SPreAD Right BeloW this PictuRE !

LoVE -- loVE -- LOVe thESE ladIES I Get To Rub ShoulDERS with . EvERY YeaR I AM in AWE of How KinD and LOvinG And SwEET theY are To me ;-) -- so LuckY to HavE Such MarVELOuS aMAZing WomEN i Know and LOve in my liFE .

Then ThERE is the The CRAZY ShERRI and Shye Combo ... I knoW cRAZY-nESS . BUT the CUTeST outfiTS you EvER did See -- thankS to SherRIs maD SkiLLS !

EvERy nigHT We WouLD do A ROutine , So the ShinE FariRIES couLD gET thiER winGS !

LiKE I SaID ... LoVE thESE LAdIES - GrEAT FrieNDS !!!!

SoRRY pRIesThOOD - You DiD do GREAT in YOUR chEER off - BUT - The StaKE StAFF WON !! SeRIouS - who Can do BetTER than JANES SPliTS ?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Just Came AcrOSS the PcitURE and ThougHT it WaSS so VerY cuTE ! AshlYNN on Her BlesSIng Day .