Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Soo ProuD of HER !!

DuRiNg FaLL BrEAk from School AshlYNN organiZEd to Teach a Art cLaSS . She Sent out inVitES aND maDe a ClaSS SchedulE . She haD 6 studEntS and it Was GreAT FUN ! She wAS JusT DoiNG somethiNG thaT she LOVES !! and I wAS So ProuD Of hER ;-)
GReAT joB liTTle miSS !!!

The Plan is To Do it AgaIN NoV 11th . The agES aRe from 10 -14 . If You interESTeD LEt us Know . It Will be FoR abouT 2 Hrs and the CosT is $12.00 ( incluDES noteBOOkS and PiZZA lunch ) YuMmmmY !